Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Home From Las Vegas!

I thought I would post an image of myself beings that I am always behind the camera, noone ever gets to see me! Here is a shot of Kevin and I at the top of the Stratosphere!

As most of you know Kevin and I spent our 15 year Anniversary in Las Vegas. We had a great time, but missed our kids and were so ready to come home. Give me a few days to get back in the swing of things, and then I will post from there, as I have tons to share! :)
I have 2 anxious brides however, so I need to work on those...

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Paying Tribute on 9-11

Kevin and I like many of you will never forget where we were 7 years ago, or what we were doing! I think all our lives were affected in one way or another....
For me we were so affected because Kevin is a Security Forces Cop. He said to me that morning, "Jode, I don't know when I'll be home tonight" (we were stationed at FE Warren) I remember being like Oh please... Do you know I did not see my husband for a week and half after that morning, and for the next 3 years He was gone more than he ever was in his whole career!
So while I do not downplay anyone elses jobs in the military, it opened my eyes as to why what Kevin does makes me so proud of him!

Taken at ground zero in December of 2007

Taken in New York, It reads World Trade Center. This was taken right next to ground zero, I took it from the opposite direction as to see all the lights and beauty on the other side.

Honoring so many men and women in the military who do what they do....

These images were taken at a Security Forces Cops' Memorial service...

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Signature Wedding Poses! {Santa Fe, New Mexico Wedding Photographer}

My Signature Couple Pose!

My Signature Bridal Pose!
I have been asked quite a few times about and hired to take certain poses! These are the "top" two per say! I began these two poses with the help of Amanda, who saw something on my site and said "Can you do that with us, even thou we have no kids!" :) (flag pose with little boy and little girl under Promises tab)

We tried the poses, and Loved the outcome! They are now what I call my signature pose!
But not all my couples are shaped the same way, or can lay certain ways, so I looked up the definition of signature pose, and found out that It's ok, in fact encouraged to do it a tad bit different each time! This allows you, my couples, to do it how you wish!

Therefore I wanted to show you a preview of all the ways we can do these two poses! I love them! Then I am biased to my own work and clientele! Enjoy~ Let me also take a minute to say Thank You all for allowing me to make you lay on the ground, carpet or grass, on such a special day... If it's any conciliation the outcome is beautiful! :)

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Little Girls...

"Little girls are precious gifts wrapped in love serene, their dresses tied with sashes, their futures tied with dreams."

* Savannah will also be featured in the I Do section of my website....

Monday, September 8, 2008

Jerrie and Kevin...{New Mexico Wedding Photographer}

Let me introduce you to Jerrie and Kevin. My couple from Saturdays' Wedding. I had never met them myself, until the ceremony... They were a very nice couple, even when it began to get really hot outside, and they were ready for photographs to be over! :) What a gorgeous bridal party they had! I enjoyed being with all their family and friends! And can't wait to show them all the images!

Heather and Andrew's Reception!

I wanted to post alittle preview for Heather and Andrew... Before I have to post other things, and work to do... Then leave! You are both really great! :) Enjoy!

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Sunday, September 7, 2008

Church Bells...

While Jerri and Kevin were leaving the church, the bells were ringing! What a pretty sound, nevermind the view!

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Thursday, September 4, 2008

Pure Beauty...

These were taken this weekend at the reception for Heather and Andrew! I think they will love them as much as I do! This house was truly this gorgeous! I would love to photograph my family here for Christmas Cards!
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Monday, September 1, 2008

New Featured Item!

Upon seeing this PicFetti at Heather and Andrew's Rehearsal Dinner, this is Jody Cooper Photography's Newest Feature Item! It was really neat to see my work not only in their house, but "done" on something! They used it to decorate the tables, the candles, you name it! These particular images are from their Engagement Session, but I will be able to offer this particular item to anyone I photograph! If you want to do Christmas Images with me, we can use those... Baby shower (maternity session) Birthday, Seniors so on and so forth. The only condition is I would need to photograph the "session" per say about 3-4 weeks ahead of the event. Giving me time to edit, order, ship and get to you! I am including this offer in my Engagement Session Collection, Senior Collection, Baby Collection, and Christmas Collections but can be special ordered!

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